Massive drop in oil profit, BP struggles to recover 70% loss

Massive drop in oil profit, BP struggles
to recover 70% loss

Cause of the massive profit drop in oil major BP

News Published 2023.08.07 | Sadie Kim

(Photo = TheGuardian)

BP, a British oil and gas company, reported nearly a 70% drop in second-quarter profit along with a downturn in fossil fuel prices. This major British energy company has announced its second-quarter profit of $2.6 billion, an amount hugely off the margin with analysts’ expectations of $3.5 billion. 

(Photo = BBC)

Compared to the past results, a significant decline is shown, with a profit of $8.5 billion reached in the second quarter of 2022. Difficulty in the maintenance of oil trading is a vital cause. 

Other oil companies are facing similar problems with failure to match profits. Shell, a British rival, and TotalEnergies, a French firm, reported a steep drop in their second-quarter profit. As the global economy stays unstable with its supply-demand, oil and gas prices seem to continue under pressure. 

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Sadie Kim (