2024 'Dirty Dozen' List Reveals High Pesticide Levels in Popular Produce

2024 'Dirty Dozen' List Reveals High Pesticide Levels in Popular Produce

The 2024 'Dirty Dozen' list exposes alarming pesticide levels in everyday fruits and vegetables. 

News Published 2024.03.28 | Shine Lee


A recent report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) once again highlighted blueberries and strawberries in the infamous “Dirty Dozen” list, which lists fruits and vegetables with the highest amounts of pesticide residues. The 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce reveals that a significant percentage of nonorganic strawberries, leafy greens, and other produce tested by the U.S. government contained detectable pesticides.


Health advocates express concern over such pesticides’ potential health effects, including preterm births, congenital malformations, and genetic damage in humans. Some of the chemicals on the ‘Dirty Dozen’ list are banned in the European Union due to their negative effects on human health. This has led to a debate over whether the use of pesticides is safe or not, as well as how regulatory bodies let harmful chemicals remain accessible.

However, the agricultural sector has also criticized this list. According to Steve Clements, who is Pacific Northwest Tree Fruit CEO, the “Dirty Dozen” report is detrimental to many multi-generational farmers who work diligently every day to feed our nation. The farmers argue that they feed their families what they grow; therefore, it is wrong for anyone to say that their food products are dangerous.


The EWG’s objective in creating the list is to inform consumers who would like to lessen their chances of being exposed to pesticides; however, it also highlights the complex balance between food production requirements and threats related to public health. As the debate continues, consumers are left to weigh the risks and make informed choices about the produce they consume.

#Pesticides #DirtyDozen #HealthAlert #OrganicVsConventional #FoodSafety #EnvironmentalWorkingGroup

Shine Lee  (s4lee2026@chadwickschool.org)

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