A Stranger Conducts CPR on a Woman in Cardiac Arrest

A Stranger Conducts CPR on a Woman in Cardiac Arrest

Finding a woman who saved his wife and disappeared 

News Published 2024.03.28 | Jenny Choi 

On the 18th, Son’s wife in her 60s, who was heading to the hospital for lung disease treatment, collapsed unconsciously with symptoms of delirium on the first floor of Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do apartment. With desperation, Son attempted CPR on his wife but had to wait for the ambulance due to the panic of encountering a new situation.

Photo = Gyeonghyangsinmun

However, a woman believed to be in her 20s discovered the scene and skillfully attempted CPR on Son's wife. Fortunately, Son's wife's heart started to beat again. Soon, an ambulance arrived and asked the woman for her identity, but she left the scene with a simple explanation: "I'm a police officer."

Photo = Nocut news

Currently, Son's wife received first aid when the paramedics arrived and regained consciousness. It was found out that her life was not affected.

Photo: Gugmin-ilbo

Afterward, Son said, "At that time, I was in panic and wasn’t able to thank her enough,” and "I really want to thank the savior who saved my wife's life." The police also said they were looking for a police officer who did good deeds, asking to “contact the person or the witness."

Photo: Gugmin-ilbo

#Police #News #KoreanPolice #Health

Jenny Choi (c2park2025@chadwickschool.org)