The Brutal Death of 7-years-old Sidra Sparks Outrage

The Brutal Death of 7-years-old Sidra Sparks Outrage

Husam Zomlot identified a girl in a distressing photo that has been widely shared online as his wife’s seven-year-old cousin Sidra Hassouna

News Published 2024.02.25 | Jenny Choi

(Photo=The Guardian) 

A Palestinian diplomat, Husam Zomlot, identified a girl in a distressing photo that has been widely shared online as his wife’s seven-year-old cousin Sidra Hassouna. The picture served not only as a chilling reminder of the ongoing violence of the Islam-Palestine War but also underscored the horrors faced by civilians, particularly children, in zones of conflict. Amidst the despair, the global community found a unified voice, calling for accountability, justice for Sidra, and urgent measures to protect the innocents ensnared in the warfare. 

(Photo=Malang Post News)

According to reports from the Gaza health ministry, the city has witnessed over 28,000 deaths since October 7. Meanwhile, Amnesty International has highlighted the serious need for diplomatic efforts for peace and the protection of human rights in the region, reporting that among those killed in the attacks were at least 95 individuals, including 42 children.

(Photo=Raza Tracker)

There are growing international concerns about the prospect of a ground offensive on Rafah, where more than 1 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering. According to its health ministry, at least 28,663 people, mostly women and children, have been killed in Israel’s assault on Gaza.


#palestinewar #sidrahassouna #justiceforsidrahassouna #freepalestine #gazagenocide #saverafah #theolivetreesareburning 

Jenny Choi  (

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